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Rules & Conditions

Host Hotels

Embassy Suites - OKC Airport
1815 S Meridian
Oklahoma City, OK  73108

(405) 682-6000

Group Name: OKC Futurity - Group Code: BBR



Holiday Inn Express & Suites - OKC Airport

4501 SW 15th, OKC

(855) 680-3239

$97/night (including breakfast)



OKC Fairgrounds RV Park
VIP RV Spaces (28 spaces at end of Barn 9) are available via BBR Office. 

Contact BBR Office at (405) 230-7167 for availability and reservations.
Premium and Standard RV Spaces are available via the OKC Fairgrounds



Futurity Rider Guild Championship Futurity

Open to all horses aged 5 years and under who have not participated in any barrel racing competition prior to November 15th of the previous year.  The Futurity will consist of two Qualifying rounds and a Finals round.  Total purse will be split between the Go-rounds and Finals Aggregate with 10% paid in each go-round and 80% in the Finals Aggregate.  Each entry’s fastest time from the Qualifying rounds will be their Qualifying time, and the fastest Qualifying times will advance to the Finals round.  The Finals Aggregate will be the combination of the Qualifying time and Finals Round time.  Payoff in the Go-rounds will be 2D progressive with full second splits.  Finals Aggregate will be paid on sweepstakes format. The number of horses advancing to the Finals round and the places paid in the Qualifying Rounds and Finals Aggregate will be determined by the total number of entries.

Amateur Bonus Finals

Open to all horses entered in the Championship Futurity, Rookie Futurity and Derby who are ridden by an Amateur Bonus eligible rider.  To be Amateur Bonus eligible, a rider must hold an AQHA Amateur Card or must be age 18 or under as of the first day of competition.  In the Championship Futurity, the Top 10 eligible entries who do not qualify for the Championship Futurity Finals will be invited to compete in the Futurity Amateur Bonus Finals.  The Amateur Bonuses will be paid on a sweepstakes format based on the aggregate of the Qualifying Time and Amateur Bonus Finals time.  In the Rookie Futurity and Derby, the Top 3 eligible entries who do not win a check in the event’s Aggregate payout will be eligible for the Amateur Bonus.  In all events, payoff will be a fixed amount as published on the event entry forms.

Rookie Futurity

Open to all horses aged 4 years and under who have not participated in any barrel racing competition prior to November 15th of the current year.  The Rookie Futurity will consist of two Go-rounds and an Aggregate.  Total purse will be split between the Go-rounds and Aggregate with 30% paid in each go-round and 40% in the Aggregate.  Payoff in the Go-rounds will be 2D progressive with full second splits.  Aggregate will be paid on sweepstakes format. The number of places paid will be determined by the total number of entries.

Slot Race

Fifty (50) slots will be available.  Each owner may hold up to two (2) slots. Horses competing in the Slot Race must be aged 4 and under and may not have participated in any barrel competition prior to November 15th of the current year.  A rider may compete on no more than two (2) horses in this event.  Slots may be leased so long as the event producer is notified, in writing, prior to November 1 of the current year.  The slot owner (or lessee) must have a signed slot agreement on file with the producer.  The Slot Race will consist of one run and will be paid on a sweepstakes format with ten (10) places paid if all slots if all slots are sold.  Number of places may be adjusted if all slots are not full.


Open to all horses aged 7 years and under following their futurity year of barrel racing competition. The Derby will consist of two Go-rounds and an Aggregate.  Total purse will be split between the Go-rounds and Aggregate with 30% paid in each go-round and 40% in the Aggregate.  Payoff in the Qualifying round will be 2D progressive with full second splits.  Aggregate will be paid on sweepstakes format. The number of places paid will be determined by the total number of entries.

Sweepstakes & American Qualifier

Open to horses and riders of all ages.  The Sweepstakes will consist of a single round and will be paid on sweepstakes format with the number of places paid being determined by the total number of entries.  Sweepstakes competition will feature an American Contender Tournament Qualifier event.  Entries in the American Contender Tournament Qualifier are required to roll their time to the Sweepstakes and will run in a separate draw.

Youth & Junior Patriot Qualifier

Open to riders aged 19 years and under as of January 1 of the current year.  The Youth will consist of a single round and will be paid on 3D format with ½ second splits.  The number of places paid being determined by the total number of entries.  Youth competition will feature a Junior Patriot Qualifier event.  The Junior Patriot Qualifier will be run as a sidepot of the Youth race and times for the Junior Patriot Qualifier will be carried from the Youth race (Note: Junior Patriot entries not entered in the Youth Race will receive at NT in the Junior Patriot Sidepot!)

Open 4D  - New for 2024!

Open to all current BBR members.  Open 4D will consist of one race with three (3) Open sections and rollovers from Slot Race, Sweepstake, Youth, and each go round of the Rookie Futurity, Championship Futurity, and Derby.  Horses entered in the Rookie Futurity, Championship Futurity and Derby may not enter the Open sections, and horses entered in the Slot Race, Sweepstakes and Youth may only enter one of the Open sections. (i.e. You must roll times from existing runs where possible.)  Format will be based on 4Ds with ½ second splits.  The same horse/rider combination may be entered two (2) times in the Open 4D.  Entries will be taken online and onsite only (no mail-in entries accepted).

Entry Fees & Deadlines


Entry fees and deadlines will be published on the event entry forms. All futurity and derby entries are final, and no refunds will be made for any reason. Pre-entries in the Youth, Sweepstakes and Open 4D races may draw out for any reason prior to the published deadline and receive a refund of fees except for the processing fee.  After the published deadline, all entries are final, and no refunds will be made for any reason.

Substitutions & Corrections

Entries for the futurity and derby competitions are based on the horse.  Horse owners may substitute horses prior to the published deadline so long as the substituted horse has the same owner. Futurity and derby entries may substitute riders prior to the first Qualifying round only. Entries in the Youth, Sweepstakes and Open 4D (three open sections) are based on the rider and therefore, no rider substitutions are allowed. Horse substitutions will be allowed in the Youth, Sweepstakes and Open 4D races during check-in (except rollovers from Futurities, Derby and Slot Race).  Please see the Better Barrel Races website for additional substitution restrictions which may apply to American Qualifier and Junior Patriot Qualifier entries.


Corrections to all entries, including but not limited to horse ownership, rider/horse substitutions (as allowed above), rider amateur status and/or entry in any applicable side pots must be made at check-in.  Any errors or omissions not corrected at check-in will be the responsibility of the contestant.

Membership Requirements

Current Better Barrel Races membership is required for all competitors. Competitors in the Championship Futurity and the Rookie Futurity must have a current Futurity Riders Guild or Premium membership.  Horses in the Rookie Futurity are also nominated to the Futurity Rider Guild.

Check-in & Numbering

All horses must check-in and show current negative coggins. Out of state horses will also be required to show health papers within 30 days of the completion of the event.  Horses without proper documentation will not be allowed on the grounds. Horses in all races will be numbered or be issued hip numbers for identification. Identification numbers must be visible on the left hip during competition.  Horses without visible hip numbers will be disqualified. See event schedule for check-in times.


Each horse in the FRG Championship Futurity, the Rookie Futurity, and the Slot Race will be allowed one (1) exhibition.  Horses must be checked in and must have their hip number to exhibition.  Horses will be called in hip number order.  We will go through the running order two times for each class with the second time calling only horses that did not make their exhibition during the first pass.

Dress Code

Western dress code will be enforced including a cowboy hat or safety riding helmet, long sleeve button down, snap or zipper front shirt with collar, long pants, and boots or equine sports shoes. If a contestant enters the arena without proper dress they will be given a no time.

Customary Tack

A bridle (with a bit and/or a noseband), saddle, saddle pad or saddle blanket, protective foot and leg boots, tie-down, bonnet, martingales, split reins, draw reins, are all considered to be standard and customary articles of tack used in barrel racing. Contestants are prohibited from competing bareback, and/or bridle-less. Any articles of tack or performance enhancing gear which impede the ability to hip number horses or identify horses are prohibited in competition. Use of such prohibited tack or performance enhancing gear shall result in a disqualification with no refund of entry fees.

General Competition

Contestants must check-in with holding pen coordinator during the drag prior to their run or they will be considered a scratch. Once a contestant’s name is called by the announcer, they must enter the competition arena within 60 seconds.
Horses must maintain a forward motion once entering the arena gate. Intentionally stopping, circling or backing your horse inside the arena gate will result in a no time.
Any barrel knocked down will result in a five (5) second penalty.  Runs with penalties and/or broken patterns will be considered no-times for divisional format payouts.
Contestants are not to train or circle a barrel more than once during competition. Such behavior will result in a no time and the rider will be assessed a $25 fine payable prior to their making another run.
Reruns will not be given if a horse falls, is pulled up by the rider or in the event of a rider’s tack or equipment failure. A rerun will be given in the event of a timer failure with any penalties incurred during the original run applied


Welfare of the horse and all animals is of utmost importance. Any abuse, neglect or inhumane treatment of any animal, during competition or in the warmup and stall area, will not be tolerated.

Safety of contestants, spectators and animals is a prime objective at this event. Horses that could be dangerous to you or to others should not be brought to this event. Any horse deemed to be dangerous by the show management will be disqualified with no refund of fees. The event producer, its ownership, affiliates and sponsors do not assume responsibility for personal injury, loss, theft or damage. Contestants and all other parties recognize barrel racing is a hazardous sport and participate at their own risk.

Video / Photography

Better Barrel Races and Teton Ridge Live retain all rights to every photo and/or video taken at and during the event. Contestants grant management the right to use any photographs or video taken of him/her during the event, including but not limited to those taken during competition or while otherwise attend the event, for publicity purposes. Contestants agree that no photographic or video images taken of the competition or exhibition arena will be altered or copied without the express written consent of event management and the photographer/videographer. Contestants are expressly prohibited from taking pictures/videos of photographer/videographer proofs or recorded runs at the viewing booths unless approved by the event videographer or photographer. Press credentials are required for all photographers or videographers on the host facility grounds during the event – including, but not limited to, anyone with photo/video equipment other than smart phones or tablets. Credentials can be obtained in the show office. Individuals without prior approval and proper press credentials will be asked to leave the premises.


Checks for prize money in the FRG Championship Futurity, Rookie Futurity and Derby will be issued to the horse owner as indicated on the provided horse papers or a signed transfer.  Checks for the Slot Race will be issued in the name of the Slot Holder. Checks for the Amateur Bonuses, Sweepstakes, Youth and Umbrella 4D will be issued in the name of the rider.  A completed IRS W-9 (or W-8BEN for non-residents) form for the proper individual or business entity must be provided before prize money can be distributed. It is the contestant/owners/slot holder’s responsibility to provide required tax forms and claim their any prize money in a timely manner.  Contestants not providing the required documents and claiming prize money (i.e. cashing prize money checks) within 120 days of the completion of the event will forfeit any claim to said prize money.

Only horses entered in the barrel race or consigned to the sale are allowed on the grounds.  Anyone bringing outside horses on the grounds will be fined $500 and will have any associated entries disqualified.
All horses overnighting on the grounds must be stalled. Overnight tying and/or portable pens are not allowed. Tying of horses in the warm-up areas is strictly prohibited. Horses left tied and unattended will be placed in a stall to be purchased by the horse owner.
The posting of signs, advertisements, posters, bumper stickers, or cards on any surface other than bulletin boards is prohibited. Event management reserves the right to remove any posted signs.
Selling of merchandise or professional services on the grounds, in stalls, or at trailers is prohibited unless you are a vendor contracted with the event producers.  Violation may result in fines up to $500 and/or disqualification from the event.
Blocking or restricting traffic through stall isles or handicap areas is prohibited.  Golf cart (excepting facility and event staff) are not to be operated or parked inside the stall barns.  Speeding or operating any motorized vehicles (including hoverboards) in an unsafe manner will result in the vehicle being confiscated for the duration of the event.
Damage willfully caused to any property, i.e., stalls, barns, grandstands, etc. of event management, its representatives, the Host Facility or Host Hotel, shall be paid for by the contestant or their representative before being allowed to continue to participate at the event.

How to Reach Us...

PO Box 720900 ~ Norman, OK  73070 ~ Tel: 405.230.7167

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